Dear Divine, What Is Your Name?
Exodus 3:13-15 What’s in a name? Some people have names that have a specific meaning. Others are family names that have been passed down over generations and have come to carry certain expectations. Here in the Bible, we find many examples of names and their meanings. Some of these names are easy enough for our minds and mouths to manage. And some – not so much. Like the one in Genesis 41:45, and the one in Isaiah 8:1,3. There’s also that one in Judges 3:8-10. There are also numerous names that are changed to give new meaning to the name bearer. For example, God changed Abram to Abraham, Sarai to Sarah, Saul to Paul, etc. Names are important. I've been thinking through some names for God and their meaning. The account about of the burning bush in the passage can be seen as a theological conundrum and I love theological conundrums! Moses is out of his depth and is looking for a way out. The task he is being given is so heavy that he knows that...