
The Disrupter

 Throughout his life and ministry, Jesus challenged the religious and political authorities of his time and called for a radical reimagining of society and human relationships.

One of the ways that Jesus disrupted the status quo was through his teachings. He challenged the traditional beliefs and practices of the Jewish religious leaders, calling for a more compassionate and inclusive understanding of God's kingdom. He emphasized love, mercy, and justice, rather than strict adherence to religious laws and rituals. We hear this more clearly in the portion of his sermon in Matthew 5 when he taught, “You have heard it said, but I say to you…” (Matthew 5)

Jesus also disrupted the status quo through his actions. He regularly associated with marginalized and outcast members of society, such as tax collectors, women, and lepers. He challenged social norms by treating women and children as equals, and by eating with those who are labeled sinners and outcasts. He also challenged the political authorities of his time, advocating for a radical reordering of society based on love and justice rather than power and oppression.

This disruption led to Jesus’ crucifixion (of course!) By challenging the religious and political authorities of his time, Jesus posed a threat to the established power structures, and his execution was meant to send a message that such challenges would not be tolerated. How dare you, Jesus? How dare you? However, the most memorable, dramatic, and transformative example of Jesus’ campaign was his resurrection and continued presence in the world. This is a powerful message that Jesus is truly the ONLY hero of the church; that God's kingdom would not be silenced, and that the status quo would not remain unchallenged.

Disrupting is exactly what we do when we "take up our cross daily and follow Jesus. This cross-bearing is not the cliched and self-pitying "It's my cross to bear" when life is lifing. Nope! To carry your cross is to run the risk of being mocked, scourged, and even killed for daring to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves. Sadly, evil, injustice, and oppression are often seen as heroism because somehow, people still manage to make God agree with such actions. Scandalous! 

Today, Jesus continues to inspire, challenge, and call all people to disrupt the status quo in the pursuit of justice, equality, and love. His teachings and actions provide a model for challenging oppressive systems and working towards a more just and compassionate society. Followers of Jesus view this specific work as both holy and necessary, even as we acknowledge the sadness of its necessity. 

So! What needs to be disrupted? Health care system? Policing? Wealth gap? The UMC's appointment system? Women's lack of rights over our own bodies? Student loan debt? Unaffordable housing? Predatorial lending practices? Redlining? Bans on education? Have I named your poison yet? 

How are you doing this holy work of disruption that will lead people to experience the kingdom of God?

Hit me up in the comments!

#disruptor #disruptthestatusquo #jesus #matthew5


  1. My sister in christ/friend, your blog is real, and there's a need for disrupting the status quo. There is a need for compassion and understanding. Keep speaking the word in the most realistic version so the ordinary can process.

    1. Maylene! Thank you for reading, engaging, and processing with me!


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