Storying Through Art
“O Lord, our God, how excellent is your name in all the earth!” Psalm 8 I learned Psalm 8 when I was 5 years old and can still remember the awe I felt (though at the time, I did not know that the emotion I felt was awe). When I am caught in the throes of a work of art that transports me to places of deep joy, I often think of this Psalm, and imagine the Psalmist’s emotional high as he proclaimed, “O Lord, our God, how excellent is your name in all the earth!” God, the artist created this cosmological masterpiece that we call the universe and loaned it to us unspoiled. When the Psalmist crafted his statement about God’s majesty, he may have just read the creation account and sketched a visual of this beauty that left him lost for words that he began and ended the Psalm with the same words! This chiastic style of writing includes a sense of awe that God would include us humans into this work of art. Whether paintings, sculptures, music, graffiti, jewelry, literatur...